
Oil and Gas



Energoinvest, d.d.-Sarajevo has been the bearer of the idea of gasification of Bosnia and Herzegovina since the very beginning of the 80’s of the twentieth century. This idea was later fully realized through the design and supervision of the implementation of the entire gas-pipeline construction project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so that it can rightly be said that Energoinvest, d.d.-Sarajevo is the main carrier of all activities in natural gas business in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, Energoinvest d.d. company, Energopetrol” as the “Buyer” and Gazprom Export from the Russian Federation as the “Seller” on January 23rd 1997, signed / renewed the Contract for the delivery of natural gas to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Until 2015, Energoinvest dd Sarajevo was a buyer and supplier of natural gas for the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina. From 2015 that role has been reduced to the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the period from 01.01.2000. until 31.10.2023. Energoinvest dd Sarajevo imported 5.4 billion m3 of gas.

From April 1 , 2021, a new direction of natural gas supply via Turkish Stream was activated.

Energoinvest supplies natural gas to distribution companies whose primary customers are citizens of the Federation of BiH and whose price, as a preferential one, is determined by the Government of the Federation of BiH. In addition, Energoinvest supplies natural gas to industrial clients as well through commercial contracts.

Legal framework

The gas industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina is regulated by two legal acts on Entities level.

Zakonu o gasu Republike Srpske i

Uredbe o organizaciji i regulaciji gasne privrede u Fedraciji Bosne i Hercegovine.


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